
Dari Choi Dong Hoon sutradara The Thieves and Assassination. Saat dinasti Goryeo, penganut Tao mencoba mengambil pedang misterius. Masa kini, alien muncul di Bumi. Sebuah pintu waktu segera muncul antara periode akhir Dinasti Goryeo dan masa kini. Hal tersebut membuat kekacauan melanda bumi
English – From Choi Dong Hoon director of The Thieves and Assassination. During the Goryeo dynasty, Taoists try to take a mysterious sword. In the present day, aliens appear on Earth. A time door soon appears between the late Goryeo dynasty period and the present day. Due to this, chaotic situations occur.
(In Korean with Indonesian/English subtitles)


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