The Boogeyman

Siswi SMA Sadie Harper dan adiknya, Sawyer masih berduka usai wafatnya sang ibu belum lama ini. Terlarut dalam kesedihan, ayah mereka, Will yang notabene seorang psikiater profesional, malahan tak memberikan dukungan ataupun perhatian yang dibutuhkan kedua putrinya. Ketika seorang pasien tiba-tiba datang ke rumah mereka untuk meminta pertolongan, mereka justru memancing kehadiran sesosok mengerikan yang memangsa keluarga-keluarga dan menjadikan penderitaan terburuk mereka sebagai santapannya.
English – High school student Sadie Harper and her little sister Sawyer are still reeling from the recent death of their mother. Devastated by his own pain, their father Will, a therapist by profession, gives them neither the support nor the affection that they try to claim from him. When a desperate patient shows up unexpectedly at their house asking for help, they bring in a terrifying entity that preys on the families and feeds on their greatest suffering.
(In English with Indonesian subtitles)


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